Posted: Friday 15th March 2024
Did you know that today is World Sleep Day? This national day helps raise awareness about the importance of good sleep and its impact on our health and wellbeing.

Did you also know that we have a service that can help monitor a person’s sleep? The Vivago care watch monitors a person’s health and wellbeing, including sleep pattern, daily activity, inactivity and body temperature amongst other factors to build up a picture of the person’s health. We then aim to alert you to any changes or worries with certain aspects of your health before they become an issue. It also has an emergency alarm button to summon our help if needed.

"The Vivago watch has been a game changer for the help and support we can give our dad. The information we get from the app allows us the peace of mind that dad's having a good night’s sleep, activity during the day and is being monitored by the Herts Careline team.”

So, on this World Sleep Day, take a look at the Vivago care watch service and see how we can help.

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