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March 26th is #purpleday for Epilepsy Awareness

On #PurpleDay, the international awareness day for epilepsy, we want to make sure that we're doing all we can to share information about how our telecare service is making a difference to many young people and adults living with Epilepsy.Did you know that we can provide equipment to monitor and support young people and adults living with epilepsy? This can be at home or outside anytime time during the day and night.

Scheduled Works Sat 23rd - Herts Careline operating as usual - but online applications and referrals affected

On Saturday 23 March there will be major IT and electrical maintenance work being undertaken at the Council Offices in Letchworth.Herts Careline's control room is not affected and will continue to answer all emergency calls 24/7 from our alternative control room. We'd just like to ask that if you would usually make a test call on this day, that you could help us by testing on an alternative day if possible.The power shut down will however affect our online services including making an online Referral or online Application. You'll be able to do this from Sunday 24th onwards.

World Sleep Day

Did you know that today is World Sleep Day? This national day helps raise awareness about the importance of good sleep and its impact on our health and wellbeing.Did you also know that we have a service that can help monitor a person's sleep? The Vivago care watch monitors a person's health and wellbeing, including sleep pattern, daily activity, inactivity and body temperature amongst other factors to build up a picture of the person's health. We then aim to alert you to any changes or worries with certain aspects of your health before they become an issue. It also has an emergency alarm button to summon our help if needed.

Do I qualify for VAT exemption on my community alarm service?

If you, or the person that will be using the Herts Careline service has a medical condition that meets the criteria below, you will not be charged VAT on your service. We will ask you to complete a straightforward VAT Exemption declaration service when you join.To claim VAT Exemption, on of the following must be met:

International Women's Day 2024

This International Women's Day, we'd like to thank all the amazing women that work at Herts Careline. They deal with complex and lifesaving situations every day and make a huge difference to our community. They are inspirational.#IWD2024 #InspireInclusion

Scam Awareness - number to call if you're worried

If you or a family member has been a victim or is worried they could be a victim of scam callers, this organisation is a very useful source of information.You can report fraud or cyber crime to Action Fraud any time of the day or night using their online fraud reporting tool. You can also report and get advice about fraud or cyber crime by calling 0300 123 2040.
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